NDNU Core Classes

HSP2209 Human Services : The first class that I took at NDNU introduced me to the world of social services from the ground up. I came to understand the inner workings of non-profit agencies through the lens of a leader in the field, Ralph Barsi. I was given a tour of the world of non-profits, their daily activities, needs and goals. It was here that I learned how “students could demonstrate a love of the pursuit of continuous learning and the ability to inspire others with that love” when a Caminar client spoke to our class. She had been working with Mr. Barsi for many years and we were privileged to hear a first person account of how she came to be a client of Mr. Barsi. She shared her struggles and personal victories through their interaction openly, honestly and with great admiration for Mr. Barsi’s efforts on her behalf. I will never forget her courage or her journey to self-reliance.

HSP2203 Communication Skills: Standing in front of class, being filmed by Professor Arbore for our final project, I remember feeling both nervous and elated. Over the course of seven weeks, Professor Abore had guided us with compassion and highly ethical leadership to explore and improve our personal communication skills. My final project reflected the immense work that it takes to honestly, diligently take a look at not only HOW I communicate, but what past personal experiences had gone into making me the type of communicator that I am today. Each week, I came home and journaled about my learning experiences. From the Johari Window to family relationships, my final journal project was a personal refection on how I could keep the communication styles that benefited me and others, and change those that did not. I feel that this class was an outstanding example of what makes NDNU such a rich resource for those students who want to enter the field of human services.

Who I Am

BUS2010 Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility: A deeply challenging course, Dr. Rende took this class on a journey through the ages, as we studied the works of Aristotle, Kant and Aquinas. I was challenged to think about how the morals and values that these great thinkers espoused in their time could apply to modern human services. In this class, I developed “critical thinking abilities and a foundation of ethical understanding that will allow them to serve people of diverse ethnic, cultural, gender and other backgrounds” as well as my “ability to understand and demonstrate adherence to ethical principals.” On one of the first nights, we were asked to dive right into philosophical questioning and debate “What is the purpose of work; to make a living or to make a life?” I defended my position that, the two cannot be separated. I am entering a field where I cannot simply “make money” if I am going to be of service to others – my true goal at work. I found this course to be a meaningful, much needed look at how students can act ethically in any work environment and to challenge the status quo that when we graduate, we are only out in the work force to “make a dollar”.

What is the purpose of work

HSP2224 Professional Development: The title of this course is very appropriate as we worked diligently on setting a course for our career choice following graduation. The most valuable part of this class, for me, was in learning about the State and Federal requirements that I would need to meet to become a Social Worker. In addition, I learned about professional organizations I could join to further my education about Social work as well as to keep me abreast of the latest developments in the field long after I graduate. I also was able to research the main duties and responsibilities of a Social Worker, characteristics that potential employers look for in candidates for these positions and currently salary and growth rate in the field.

Career Research Worksheet

BUS2079 Workplace Coaching: While life coaching may be a relatively new in the world of human services, the skills and techniques utilized by coaches are closely aligned to that of Social workers. It was extremely helpful to me to understand both the similarities and differences so that I could employ both in my work once I graduate. I valued the time spent in class on increasing our active listening skills as well as having an opportunity to work through simulated coaching scenarios with my classmates.

HSP2218 Social Research Methods: This class was both the most demanding and rewarding course that I took at NDNU. This course combines statistics, research methods, learning to review existing literature and conducting surveys of a sample population to produce an empirically-based research paper of my own. I began this class with a dread fear of the sheer volume of work that loomed before me, but once I chose my topic (Self Compassion) I was off and running. In this class, I learned to “demonstrate analytical, problem solving and project management skills.” I spend my days reading fascinating research articles, sending out surveys and keeping my fingers crossed that I would get them back and learning how to present my findings in a scholarly way. By the end of this course, I felt admiration and gratitude to Professor Arbore for guiding me successfully to this most important of finish lines in my college career.

BUS2006 Contemporary Professional Writing: Once upon a time, I was a Creative Writing major. In those classes, we learned to work with words in a creative, no holds barred fashion to produce art. While I look back fondly on those classes, I have to admit that Professor Larragoiti’s excellent class on Professional writing will be what ultimately helps me most in my chosen career. We were encouraged to explore our creative side while keeping an eye on correct grammar and word usage. Writing a paper from “pre-writing” through rough draft to finished product with the help of a professional like Professor Larragoiti enabled me to “communicate effectively, in writing and orally…with clarity, correctness and conviction.”

my grandfathers journey

HSP2221 Human Services Senior Seminar: I am excited to be entering the final leg of my journey at NDNU, and to be working on my Capstone project. This semester, I will pair with Kaino’s to develop and implement a social skills group for persons with developmental disabilities. I feel that this capstone project will give me the opportunity to bring the skills, hallmarks and learning outcomes of the past two years at NDNU into service for the community

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